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Rear Fender Trimming - Cutting Past The Spot Welds

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in an effort to keep the Chief as low as possible on 40s (yea i know  :shake: ) I'm gonna have to trim past the spot welds. Ive spent hours staring at the inner fenders trying to figure out what to do, and havent gotten far. I know that the cut and fold method is popular, but i don't know if that will be enough. I have also seen a few MJ guys cut high, and then just fab up new inners, which I'm not sure i have the fab skills to achieve. Are there any other options that might work? 

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I don't have fantastic fab skills either but I was able to re-construct the rear fenderwells on my XJ.  It was not bad.  After cutting through the pinch there was about a 2" gap.  I was able to weave it back together, with some scrap steel I had around, then welded, then covered the whole mess with poly caulk.  It's not pretty, but since you can't see it, I don't care.  It's solid.

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