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99 Chrysler 8.25 Pinion Prelaod Setup

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I'm rebuilding the rear end in my son's 99 Cherokee.  The rear end was making quite a grumbling noise at 35 mph, pulled the carrier bearings and sure enough the races were really pitted, I'm going to replace all (6) bearings in the center diff. and axles. 


I'm setting the preload on the pinion shaft bearings and it just seems too tight to me.  All the bearings are pressed and seated properly and I'm in the process of collapsing  the crush sleeve to reach the desired preload 15-30 in/lbs.  I have a calibrated torque watch and will set it to ~20 in/lbs, that just seems like an incredible amount of preload (drag) to be on a bearing.  I didn't measure the preload when I took the old diff. apart but I would guess it to be in the range of 1-3 in/lbs.





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I can't directly give any advise, but check out the manuals I have. Click the link in my signature and brows through till you get to the 88 FSM (or something like that) its a folder with a bunch of PDF files.  there are one or two that deal with differential gears. Hope that helps


Edit: the folder is called 1988 Jeep FSM

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