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Rear cargo light install question

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I just put in the switch and connected the light and it's it working. My question is should this be a plug and play install? Is there a fuse that needs to be installed? I need to check if I have power to the switch. The switch is not lighting up either. Anyone ever came across this problem?


Thanks, Gary

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Discovered there is no power to the switch. The switch works fine. Is there any other pig tails that need to be connected under te dash in order to get power to the switch? I really don't want to hardware it. I always thought since I had all the wiring for the switch and the light it would be a plug and play?



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I just figured it out. I was thinking the switch went on the right side of the column. After doing some more digging I found another harness with "cargo Light" on it. I was using the wrong harness!! :doh: Plugged it in a it works. Tomorrow I will install it and take some pics. I just found another cargo light and switch on craigslist and being how hard these are to find I am gonna grab it. Its the switch with the fog light emblem next to it too, so I can use it where it is intended on going. Now I have it set up on the bracket for the right side of the column. I will switch it back when I get the new switch. Its worth Ten bucks right? LOL I just paid 50 for mine... Damn.



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So instead of cutting the solo cargo light switch bezel in half to use it next to my fog lights, so I have the fog light and cargo light emblem. I just found another cargo light local and he has the switch bezel with both fog and cargo light icons. The rare one. Also has a solo cargo light switch bezel as well like I currently have. I'm gonna grab both switches and light. So i will have 2 lights, and three switches. I figure some one could use a factory switch. I am going to use the fog/cargo light in the MJ and use the other light and switch in the scrambler I'm building. It would work great for camping on the back of the hard top.



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