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I've got the "typical" 4.0 ticking, louder when cold, quiet at speed, quietER at temp.

So here's my question(s).


1. Since the manual tranny doesn't have a flexplate, but has a flywheel instead, are loose bolts on the FLYWHEEL a possible source of ticking?


2. Would a simple exhaust leak make the same type of ticking sound?? Would it go away with temp or after running for an hour at highway speed.


3. What is the difference (sound wise) between piston slap and lifter tick.


Trying to get at this in the next few weeks. Not a DD

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1.A loose flywheel will make more of a 'thud' than a 'tick' and then only when changing engine revs.

2. Rare, but yes. Usually you can hear exhaust leak also.

3. Lifter will have a sharper tick than piston. A stethescope will also help here.

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1. No thudding...definitely a "tick", right along with RPM's


2. I ask because I can also smell exhaust in the cab a bit (windows open).


3. I'll do the stethoscope, thanks, but it is a nice tickety *tick*


...AND if I was to go ahead and try to fix the lifters, would that be part of a general cylinder head service including R&R. OR should I just live with it...no running or driveability issues, just annoying.


My hearing is beginning to go south with my advancing age so it might not be a problem for long.

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Now that sounds familiar.

Lifters won't fit thru the push rod holes. Have to remove the head.

Jim's quick fixes for annoying problems. But not really recommended.

Engine noise bothering you? Turn the radio up. That's what it's for.

Smell exhaust? roll down a window. Or close all windows. Stick with the one that works.

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Thanks, worth looking at. Yes it should be obvious...my troubleshooting skills usually work backwards anyway...I think I'll get under there and look :dunno:


Jim, if I just roll up the windows and drive, I might just get enough exhaust in the cab to solve ALL my problems :D

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