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How to dry a phone.....


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I have the G'zone "Rock" and it's water proof, or at least it used to be. Long story short, i got water inside it. Every body always says to put it in a bag of rice, but I couldn't find any and didn't want to go any were to get some. So, I thought of an overly complicated way to get the water out.



I used a vacuum pump (my dad does HVAC), high pressure fuel line, and a plastic jar thing. I drilled a hole in the jar and threaded in a nipple thing, which cracked the plastic... So I stuck some dumdum on it and called it good. Ran the fuel line from the nipple to the vacuum pump. Put the phone in the jar and turned on the pump. The lid cracked more, which resulted in more dumdum...


And it worked perfectly. :clapping:




still not sure why I posted this... :dunno:

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I had one of those "Millitary Spec" Boulders like I think your talking about... Worst phone I have ever had. Work dumped our Nextel Direct connect to save money, and got Verizon with that phone. I had broken it within a day. Dropped it from hip height, and broke that stupid looking nut that holds on the battery door in half.


The reception sucked, the "water proof" speakers were muffled and a bear to make sense of, and they were junky.


But, anyway, glad you got your phone fixed. I have been worried about causing damage to the phone exposing it to so much vacuum.



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I had the Boulder before this one, it was pretty good to me. I used to chuck it at the ground all the time to prove to people that it was shock resistant. I also got it wet all the time. The front screen eventually broke when my friend thought it was fun to chuck it straight down at concrete from the second story at school. :roll:


I was sort of worried about putting it under that much vacuum, but we have an extra phone that is identical i could use if it were to break. I had the vacuum pump running for about 30-45 minutes so it was a pretty deep vacuum. I was more worried that the plastic jar would shatter sending plastic shards flying at me, which wouldn't happen now that I think about it since it would have to implode.

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FWIW, next time try a big glass pickle jar. My instructors in tech school used to pull a vacuum on a glass pickle jar with a metal lid. Pretty cool to see water boil at room temperature.


I can't remember what they used for the port though... Maybe a metal valve stem in the lid?


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My GF will only get the Casio G'Zone phones because she's pretty wreckless with phones. She had the first G'Zone (forget the name), two Boulders, and now has the Android-based smartphone one. The flip phones were always complete garbage. She sounded like she was talking to me through a tin can every time she called. The software was buggy as hell and randomly, one day, it stopped recording missed calls. I was so glad when she went into the ocean with that thing and it died. The new Android-based smartphone one she has now is actually pretty decent, but the battery life is awful...and it's a brick, but at least it has the Android OS on it as a saving grace.

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My dad got the smart phone version about a month ago. It is pretty big but I can't imagine having a smaller screen when trying to do a internet search. The battery life is short but his will last all day where as my mom has the Droid X and she has to keep it plugged in several times a day.

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