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WindRock OHV Saturday October 11th

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If anyone is near Oliver Springs, Tn on Saturday October the 11th. Myself in my Comanche and several other of my friends. ( 1 Toyota on 37s, 1 Grand Cherokee on 33s, and one Ford F150 on 35s ) will be doing some trail riding. If anyone is interested, either post up here or send me a pm. Thanks!

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Saturday was a good ride! we had 4 vehicles in our group and rode all day without no carnage. We had a short delay once when the Toyota wouldn't start but quickly fixed and continued riding. For any of you that are familiar with the area, we rode 15 as a test run for the Ford truck, than went and rode 3, then proceeded to start trail 11 ( backwards up atomic ridge ). After making it up the first part of atomic ridge which proved to me a great trail which was difficult and fun, we did some trail maintenance on our "New Trail" that we had cut in last fall. By that time it was dark and we decided to head on home.











Tyler decided he wanted to slide a tree between his bumper and his grill



It wasnt really dark here but you can see that I had my rock lights on :D

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