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  1. Question: #1 A while back i decided to upgrade to a ZJ sway bar. Recently i had to replace the bushings and discovered that there are a lot more than just one size. I used a caliper to measure the one that i had, expecting it to be a 28mm, much to my surprise it was not. It was just shy of 26mm (25.8mm) sooo i ended up getting two sets of bushings 1" and 26mm to see which one would work best. 26mm where a perfect fit. Out of curiosity i went to the junkyard and looked to see if i could find an actual 28mm, out of the 25 ZJs i checked (with a caliper) not a single one had a 28mm. Several were V8s, tons were 4wd, and some were higher trim packages, but NONE had a 28mm sway bar. Is it my misunderstanding or is there actually a 28mm sway bar and i just havent found it yet? Question: #2 The u-joints in the shaft that connects the steering wheel to the box (i call it a steering shaft) are utterly shot. I am not about to fork over the 150 bucks they want for a new one so i am going to snag a "gently" used one out of the JY tomorrow. Is there a better/updated version that i should look for? I know the steering shaft on certain year XJs actually telescopes, which would be awesome, but i don't know if it is compatible. Question: #3 I like to play in creeks a lot but i am getting sick and tired of the 2-3in of water that accumulates in the floorboards every time. How, if even possible, can i water proof the cab to minimize water entry? Without, permanently sealing the doors shut mind you. Case in point, V this guy V How in the heck can he do this without being in water up to his waist? FPC, out.
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