So i was at work today and a guy rolled up with a '85 Toyota 4 Runner on 35s that looked MEAN. Anyway it sounded odd and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why, until I realized it sounded very very similar to my VW TDI that is the new DD. Started talking with the guy and it turns out that yes they had swapped a VW TDI in it. Guy didn't know when exactly but it was done awhile ago (inherited the truck from his dad) Anyway it got me thinking. After some investigate it seems that same company that designed the AX-15 (Aisin AI) also designed the trannys for Toyota. They appear to be very similar. Back in the day apparently there was a kit you could buy (I dunno I wasn't even alive) that had all the hardware to mount a VW TDI in a Toyota. Has anyone heard of people doing this or even know if its possible?