I first want to thank you for this web site. The information I've found here is priceless. I couldn't be doing what I'm doing to my MJ without this site and everyone's guidance.
I need guidance on my disc brake conversion for my '88 MJ. Its an 8.25 from a '98 Cherokee with disc brakes from a '94 Grand Cherokee......
In my pick and pulling of parts, I failed to get the vin number off the '94 Jeep Grand Cherokee donor. It never dawned on me to get that information...... Now I don't know what pads I can use for the back......... Whats with this "to Chassis Vin 358321" or "from Chassis Vin 358321" stuff for choosing disc pads? I know they're dimensionally different with the first Vin pads being 5-33/64lg x .201 plate while the second Vin pads is 5.64lg x .197 plate. Its not much difference but does it really matter which set of pads I use? God bless him, but I know the counter jockey at the local parts store won't be able to help me.
I plan on posting pics of my progress in the coming months.
Thanks for the help!