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Ideas Wanted for Gas Tank/ Sending Unit Swap

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Why oh why did I buy a Jeep? It seems like all I do is wrench on it, and wait for the next thing to break. O well . . .

So far I have fixed all the oil leaks, got the main electronics working, and fixed some worn suspension and front end parts. Next job is to stop it leaking gas. If I put less than a half tank in it, no leaks, no problems. If I go above half it starts to dribble out. From other threads I have read I know its probably the tubes coming out of the tank itself and a little JB Weld will probably fix it. But I want to fix things so I won't have to come back at them.


I was reading this page http://comancheclub.com/topic/36960-non-fi-gas-tank-and-cherokee-sending-unit-swap/, and wondering what the downsides are to getting a gas tank without the slosh pan? I really like the idea of being able to put a new sending unit and fuel pump in it and having a new tank. That way I won't have to worry about those pieces for *fingers crossed* at least a year.


What ideas / comments do you guys have? Problems or just personal opinions welcomed. If I do this swap, I want to know all possible downsides, as well as the upsides.



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