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Fuel Pump Wiring - 1990 4.0 eliminator

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I have a bit of a dilemma. I picked up a 1990 comanche for cheap because of a fuel system issue. Essentially they replaced the pump, but did not get it working properly. They hot wired it to run all the time off what seems to be the power for the fuel gauge? basically you turn the key now and the pump runs full bore up to 40psi(which I believe spec is 32psi) and does not shut off. I am wondering if anyone has a schematic for this so I can get it squared away, or any pictures of how this wiring should be hooked up.


Another question somewhat related to this... immediately upon turning the key off the fuel pressure drops back to 0 within about 5 seconds. There is no external leak. The fuel pump is new, so the check valve being stuck shouldn't be an issue. What other options are there on these fuel systems to lose pressure internally? Bad diaphragm in the regulator maybe?


Thanks for the tips and help in advance!



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