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TDS anyone?


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Well folks, it's that time of the year, the annual Tierra Del Sol Safari is here! Also known as TDS. It's this week-end in TruckHaven in the Ocatillo Wells SVRA.


It's a So Cal thing (sorry everyone else that can't get over here!) - You don't have to be from So Cal, but you just gotta be here for the event!


I'll be out there with my work, we'll have a booth set up in the vendor area. Unfortunately I won't have my truck there, just couldn't get it finished in time. If anyone makes it out, come by and say Hi, look for the T and J Performance and Barnett Performance signs.


For more info on the event - http://www.tdsdesertsafari.com



Hope to see some of you out there! I'm leaving today around 10am. Event mainly gets going tomorrow and goes all week-end.




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