Neither one of my door locks work. I went to O'reilly's and bought a door lock kit. Got in to the door, removed the locks, went about replacing them until I noticed they were not anything like the one's I had removed. Returned them. Went to NAPA, they brought out the same locks. Both sets looked like they had a Chrysler key included. Double sided. I told them my old key looked like a GM key so we went about looking for a AMC compatible set. Hmmm, then I looked online and found the right ones (or at least the picture looked right). Only after I looked at "Jeep door lock set", instead of "Jeep Comanche", and it was specified for a "Wrangler"
So my actual non-tech question, does the CC or even NAXJA vendors list have a code for $$ off at, say 4x4,RockAuto, or any other vendor, the set for the newer set was $18, the set for "Wrangler" is $38